Tuesday 12 July 2011

I think I sux at blogging!

Ok so I am rubbish at this >__< not really had much to say since I started.


I have had some new items updated to my etsy and I have been feeling quite creative! I am doing some Loli inspired super cute sugary sweet items next ^^ got the most adorable hair clips that I will be listing.

How come when you have an amazing idea too, you don't have the right stuff you need to actually make it!? you wouldn't believe how many boxes of bits and pieces I have but I still need to do a shop >__< think I spend more then I make lol.

Here are some of my newer items that I have for sale! From super cute to the other extreme lol ^^
Aqua and Pink Lolita Bow RingDrop Dead NecklaceVanity Necklace

Like what you see?! http://www.etsy.com/shop/UlaGee?ref=seller_info


  1. I love your new creations! And I know what you mean....I will think of some new creature to make.....and I end up not having the eyes....or a certain colour of yarn, it always seems to work out that way :) Love your blog!

  2. Aw don't be discouraged, blogging is hard, I'm not good at it either XD

    I love your new pieces! I'm very impressed by your handy work ^^ I never seem to have enough materials to make the things I desire, either, haha! I think the fear I won't make anything back is what keeps me from starting an online shop! Good luck with yours, your stuff is great! Do you ever sell things outside the internet? Maybe your stuff would sell well at a booth at a convention ^^

  3. Yeah I have thought about doing a convension I think it would be fun to do too. I want to probably look in to doing one next year or something because I also make anime badges so I could fit my booth up!

    Thanks xx
